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Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Secret Alley MY story

Carlos Santos 3/12/11

The secret alley

One cold, breezy day in New York, I was walking through a dark alley to find my watch that I had lost the other day. I saw a cat looking at me with suspicious eyes. I ignored it. I heard a sudden sound from the back of the wall. Looking to see what it was, I found my watch. Then I heard it again but this time it wasn't the watch, it was a bump from the wall. It sounded as if it was coming closer and closer. Putting my ear on the wall I heard something else. Like a cart rolling. '' what are all these noises?'' I asked myself.

Well, whatever it was, I was curious so I put my hand on the wall and I suddenly felt a handle like object. I grabbed and pushed forward. You wouldn't believe- I mean I couldn't believe my eyes! In front of me was a huge room that looked like the room of a billion air mansion. It had everything, even technology that wasn't viewable to the citizens of this country! It was so amazing! I walked slowly towards a, what looked like a super computer. Then I heard someone yell '' don't touch!''

It was a man dressed in a tuxedo with some really cool sunglasses. I tried to run away to not get into any more trouble but some other guys grabbed me by my shoulders and legs. I couldn't move. Then the guy came up to me and said ''let him go!''

They did and I got a black eye after that. He told me I was going to stay here forever. I was really pooped right there. I was like no,no,no mister I am not staying here, ok? But then they grabbed me and put me in some sort of chamber. It was a cylinder like chamber with green glass all around it. I saw a scientist put a switch that said on, on and then……!



Saturday, March 5, 2011

My Paintings

Last week, on my ipod touch 4g, i made a really cool painting. It was because i wanted to make my own wallpaper. In fact i made several paintings. I made one of the sky, a woman's eye, a heart for Valentine's Day, a number 3, a tree, some weird field thingy, a garden, and I even took a picture of myself and drew a mustach, devil ears, and odd nerd glasses.I chose the sky one because it kind of intersted me in something. It had blue and white colors with the sun sticking out of the side of the painting and a light white color on the borders so it would look more intersting. I still have it and i always will.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Club Penguin

Club Penguin

Club penguin is a virtual world where everyone is a penguin.The penguins make friends with other penguins,have fun,and hang out together.There's 11 places you can go to in club penguin but in those places theres more places.You can also be a secret agent and a tour guide.Let me tell you what the secret agent and tour guide do,so the secret agents protect the island from bad penguins,builing,name calling,and doing things your not suppose to do.Now to become a secret agent,you have to take a special test and you have to be more than 30 days old.To become a tour guide you have to take a test and you have to be more than 40 days old.Tour guides show new penguins the hole club penguin and they also show them where the places are.For me i like being a secret agent.The secret agents have a place to hide it was called the HQ now its called the EPF HQ beacuse an evil villian(herbert .p. bear) and his friend (clutzy)broke every thing in the hq.Well heding back to Club Penguing,club penguin is in the middle of the ocean up north.Theres this place in club penguin,its called the gift shop but it doesn't have gifts in it,its like an actual shopping store but you have to be a member.Every month the catalog changes.Then theres a coffee shop you go there and get your hot coffee after work.Then theres a disco in The Town ,you go there if your having a party or just want to dance.Then in the disco up the stairs theres like a little arcade room.Then theres a lighthouse in The Beach,in side you will find a stage,thats were penguins throw there own band and rock out.The lighthouse is were the famouse Rock Hopper lands his ship.Rock Hopper comes like in Christmas or any other kind of Holiday.Now the rest you find out your self because i'm sleepy!Ha!I mean its only 3:00 AM.Well Bye!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Harry Potter wands V.S Alivan wands

The problem with harry potter wands and alivans wands is that harry potter wands are made out of resin and the alivans wands are made out of pure wood.Resin is a type of hard plastic,so the problem with that is that resin brakes or chip's easily,like if you drop it would probrably,either crack or break or chip,and wood doesn't break that easy.Plus the Alivan wands are way cooler and better looking than the resin Harry Potter wands.

                                                Alivan wands wins!!